Tuesday, June 09, 2020

The basics of religions are simple

The basics of religions are simple.
Step one... A man and his group, during their lifespan full of challenges and near -impossible situations, are often stuck in blind alleys.. not having any clue how to take even a single step forwards.
Some sort of group entities, whether acting with clear ideas or by just a chance would have encountered the presence of the supreme power and this presence would have yielded some good result, either as a success of their physical exertion or as an answer to some sort of prayer or as a result of the combination of both..
But the simple mind of our predecessor just attributed the the success to some such force and called it Divinity.. Step one.. 

Two .. When people were living together, there were strong and weak among them, there were man woman child, etc who differed in their life agendas fundamentally.
Even though the small sugarcoat of attraction affectation or love would among different types would have been there, generally the rule of the power of fist and stronger mind had the day..
However, the necessity for some fairplay against brute force was ever felt.
. One of the reason for this was that persons seen and perceived as very strong authoritative, and omnipotent were suddenly struck down without any warning by death, maladies and madness.. and the group realized or believed that some external strong person entity , was or should be making their law.. Stpe Two 

Three,,, people wanted to have some settled procedures to conduct their daily affairs..
These issues formed the basic template for religions..
The religions were put in place or were evolved to help and protect..
How can one subscribe the idea that such rules were made just to destroy or subjudgate all those who did not follow these fundamental tenets.?.
Similar tenets would have evolved in other groups also.
And such ideas should exist in harmony or at least without conflict. 

The seeds for religious faith were sown at this stage and germinated according to the geography of the terrain. 

Of course the rules regarding hoarding of wealth, women, cattle, land, water-resources etc for the selfish enjoyment at the cost of the weaker ingredients of the group. varied..
the attitude and law regarding this varied from group to group... Sure, some groups or religions appear to be more lenient to the lesser privilaged,, in comparison to the attitude of some other groups or religions. 

From this a social historian can easily take over and record the history, theology and sociology of any religion.
This is the skeleton..
As rigveda started...
Agnimeeley purohaitam..

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