Saturday, July 11, 2020

musings 130

Law and legislation should exist with a purpose to help the people in general...

Surely not to stifle any individual or group or to deny them anything if the State can help..

Laws are made by the State deriving its strength from what the citizens have consciously permitted it .. and often citizens allow such controls even if they are not very advantageous at individual level..

They sacrifice many of their birthrights only because they put collective rights above individual interest..

So in a welfare State, control by law and legislation should be the minimum..

This is so in a democratic state..

Even the communists talk of withering away of the State, as the final stage of a proletarian dictatorship..

Bhakthi is the connecting cord with a man and his Maker..

Just as the relation between a parent and a child, a spouse with spouse, a friend with a friend..which are unique in each such individual relationship,

Faith, love and devotion to God is also simply unique for each individual.. so the parameters cannot be defined.. Narada.s Bhakthi, Kannappan's Bhakthi, Prahlada's Bhakthi, Dhruva's Bhakthi.. each is unique..

Such unique phenomena, by nature are beyond standard definitions

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