Thursday, July 01, 2021

If my prayers remain unanswered


If my prayers remain unanswered the reason for that must be that I do not know how to pray, how to communicate with my Maker.

Just lack of skill to communicate. It is futile to become atheist or to blame God on this count.

Again, if the person who receives my message does not read it or care for it, the only reason is that I am unable to communicate rightly. If others do not care adequately about what I say, that simply means I do not know how to convey, project and present my ideas well.

Why should I blame a friend, a relative or anyone else for that?

And it is just my own business to make God hear my prayers or to persuade my friend to listen to me.

If I fail in that it is my mistake, my fate, my shortcoming.

Perhaps I can knock at doors and wait with patience. Or I can choose to give up too.

But there is no point in blaming anyone else.

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