Thursday, July 08, 2021

what is the sum and substance of existence on earth.


Every thinking person is confronted by the inherent infirmities is his thought process, and style of living, and his own evaluation of what is the sum and substance of his existence on earth.

Some say the life is delusion.

Some say we forget to realise that "Today is the day"

But the dialogue between the inconsistent or vagrant mind and comparatively rational sense of discretion are always at loggerheads.

I think Shelley said it “We look before and after and pine for what is not.”

But then just as we learn in chemistry where we have elements with unfilled energy levels except perhaps in Inert elements like Helium etc., we humans also appear to have been provided with some sort of bonds, single, double triple etc, akin to valency, and we try to bond with past, present, with friends, relatives, with emotions of pleasure, pain and so on..

Some jeevanmukthas perhaps reach the stage of zero valency.

In fact, just like chemical energies, our thoughts and emotions control us, and true, with great effort we may control them, but like a magnetic needle which has a tendency to negotiate North South direction, and even though by applying external force we can change the direction and keep the needle in a different way as long as that corrective force is in operation, the needle resumes the NS path once external for ceases to be in vogue.. (Strangely this is substance of the Newton’s first law of motion.. or inertia too)

In that situation, most of our energies would have to be spent on keeping our mind and body in a guided track.. And we may have to pay a heavy price.. We will be left with no time or energy to live and enjoy life innocently.

I just wanted to say, many hard truths in life are really hard, but they are just like that, and we can hardly do anything to alter them

I am prompted to theorize that even the concept of a Superior entity called God, who can make a difference on a permanent basis was born out of this sense of helplessness on the part of we humans.

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