Thursday, June 29, 2023

पाण्डित्यं परमेश्वरि

पाण्डित्यं परमेश्वरि स्तुतिविधौ नैवश्रयन्ते गिरां
वैरिञ्चान्यपि गुम्फनानि विकलद्गर्वाणि शर्वाणि ते।
स्तोतुं त्व्वं परिफुल्लनीलनलिनश्यामाक्षि कामाक्षि मां
वाचालीकुरुते तथापि नितरां त्वत्पादसेवादरः॥१॥
मूकपञ्चाशती स्तुतिशतकं
pāṇḍityaṁ parameśvari stutividhau naivaśrayante girāṁ
vairiñcānyapi gumphanāni vikaladgarvāṇi śarvāṇi te|
stotuṁ tvvaṁ pariphullanīlanalinaśyāmākṣi kāmākṣi māṁ
vācālīkurute tathāpi nitarāṁ tvatpādasevādaraḥ||1||
mūkapañcāśatī stutiśatakaṁ
My beloved mother Kamaskhi,
the supreme godhead, consort of Shiva,
lovely lady with eyes resembling the full blossoms of the blackest neelotpala (black lotus) flowers,
my erudition does not come to my help while trying to utter some words in your praise.
Even t he Vedas originating from Brahamadeva when they try to invoke your glory are rendered ineffective in comparison to your glory and they retreat after being rendered effete..
Still my deep and abiding devotion for your lotus feet, makes me bold and gives me loquacity in my attempt to praise you.
This is the first stanza of Mooka Panchasati, Stuti Shatakam renedered by the Poet Muuka in praise of Mother Kamakshi..
The whole work five hundred Stanzas are spread over five chapters. Aaraya shatakam.Stuti Shatakam, Paadaravinda Shatakam Mandasmita Shatakam, and Kataksha Satakam.
Scholarship, Erudition in Scriptures and worldly achievements are not effective when a devotee is attempting to connect with the supreme soul.
Only abiding devotion is the bridge that can bind the bhakta with the godhead.
The poet is called Muuka because he was born dumb both in words and spirit but he gained great knowledge by the Grace of the Divine mother.
Mookapanchasati is a sublime treatise on the Glory of Mother Kamakahi..
True, the language used is quite tough but the composition is set in an elegant metre .

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