Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Happiness in the household

सन्तुष्टो भार्यया भर्ता भर्त्रा भार्या तथैव च।
यस्मिन्नेव कुले नित्यं कल्याणं तत्र वै ध्रुवम्॥
santuṣṭo bhāryayā bhartā bhartrā bhāryā tathaiva ca|
yasminneva kule nityaṁ kalyāṇaṁ tatra vai dhruvam||
A dictum from Manusmriti, which even the worst critics of Manu cannot abuse.. verbally
There will be welfare and prosperity for ever in a family and a society or clan where the husband is always happy with his wife and the wife is always pleased with her husband
( It is also true that there can be prosperity and welfare only if the happiness of he husband and wife in their mutual relationship binds them eternally)
And for such happiness with each other, a sense of mutual trust and fidelity is a decisive factor..
So such fidelity was accorded a very high value in priority in life by our traditionals thinkers..
I really wonder whether the establishment called family, and the social extensions built up entirely on such nuclear family units could survive without that understanding between the husband and the wife..
The ownership of a person by another need not come by the force of law..
We consider ourselves as the property of God not because there is a registered document in a sub registrars office or a patta issuesd by the revenue authorities..
And we consider marriage as absolute commitment not because of a marriage certificate issued by some authority says so..
Some trends are simply baffling..

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