Friday, June 23, 2023

musings 134

On a wide canvas the dictates of karma runs supreme.
But common sense and most schools of thought admit that there is some space where more than one choice is possible.
It is something like this .
There is a round flat area atop a tall mountain and the individual is stationed there.
If he tried to move beyond a few feet he will step into void fall down and perish.
But when he is on the top he can move his limbs and walk within the area taking care not to put out a,foot beyond the border of the plain area.
If in the name of possible attack and vagaries of fate if he refuses to move at all he will die of physical atrophy ..a situation perhaps not envisaged by fate.
One need not start barking this moment just because it is written in his horoscope that he is going to take birth as a dog in his next life.
Healthy realism about fate and desperate fatalism are two opposite ideas.
Even the blessed lord says in gita that when he is born as a man he is performing the normal functions of a human although he ha nothing either to gain or lose.
Na me paartha asti karthavyam.....varta eva hi karmani.
Praising fate and Karma if that would ensure deterioration in the quality of our sane existence.. is just toxic.
God has sent us here to live and act..and not to play messiahs.
To play messiah is in His duty list.
The dividing line between mysticism and pseudo mysticism is too thin.

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