Wednesday, June 28, 2023

woman protects the home

वित्तेन रक्ष्यते धर्मो विद्या योगेन रक्ष्यते।
मृदुना रक्ष्यते भूपः सत्स्त्रिया रक्ष्यते गृहम्॥
vittena rakṣyate dharmo vidyā yogena rakṣyate|
mṛdunā rakṣyate bhūpaḥ satstriyā rakṣyate gṛham||
A very worthy statement by Chanakya..
The order and virtue are protected by possession of wealth
The education is protected by dligent practice and attention
The king is safe.. he is protected by his soft and benevolent behaviour
A house is protected, maintained and kept in order only by the presence and activities of a nice woman..
There is always an element of unruliness in social behaviour Law and order can be in place only if there is proper defence mechanism..
This involves deployment of trained personnel exclusively for ensuring proper order.
And this involves money in terms of maintenance..
So dharma or its maintenance depends on wealth.
Eagerness to learn may come off an for people..
They may start but are likely to drop out sooner or later.. Education can be quite boring and monotonous..
To overcome all these discipline on the part of the teacher as well and the taught is a prime necessity..
This comes through training of the mind through yogic practices..
Therefore yoga is a must for learning.
A king may be very powerful.. but after all he is also human being.
He is surrounded by others assisting him in affairs of the State, and also to look after his own personal needs..
By virtue of his power and wealth he may think that he can act tough for ever..
But if he is not soft and humane, he will alienate even people in his own closest circle.. and this can prove dangerous or even fatal..
So soft considerate behaviour is essential even for a powerful king
And this is not a anti feminist idea.. Nor a feminist idea. Only a fact
God has created females with an instinct to maintain construct and embellish things.. Maybe it is the mother's instinct.. She has to ensure that she lives in a cozy niche.. because there alone her children can grow comfortably.. So if a house is to be kept nicely the presence of a nice and considerate woman is a must.. It has been said often that there can be any type of houses, but there cannot be a home without a woman..
Chanakya is always right. always relevant.

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