Wednesday, July 12, 2023

गुणं ममेवं जानातु जनः पूजां करोतु मे

गुणं ममेवं जानातु जनः पूजां करोतु मे।
इत्यहङ्कारिणामीहा न तन्मुक्तचेतसाम्॥
योगवासिष्ठे निर्वाण प्रकरेणे उत्तरार्धे॥
guṇaṁ mamevaṁ jānātu janaḥ pūjāṁ karotu me|
ityahaṅkāriṇāmīhā na tanmuktacetasām||
yogavāsiṣṭhe nirvāṇa prakareṇe uttarārdhe||
This is a quote from the great philosophical work, Yogavaasishstam.. considerd by some as a supplement to Valmiki Ramayanam. The authorship of this work is credited to Valmiki too..
The context given in the work is that Rama, as a youth, after studying all Vedas and Vidyas, develops doubts about the inner mechanism of the mind and is eager to learn the spiritual part of human existence..
The preceptor of the clan of Raghus, sage Vasishta is imparting such spiritual education to Rama through this great work..
The expectation of the people who are driven by vanity and and arrogance is that
'May everyone around me recognized my greatness and virtues and may they pay resepcts to me, may they worship me..."
But those who possess a detached mind are on the verge of renuncitation, such thoughts do not arise..
word analysis
जनः people
मे my
एवं these
गुणं virtues
जानातु may understand
मम पूजां करोतु may they worship me
इति thus
अहंकारिणाम् of conceited, deluded, arrogant people
ईहा भवति longing happens
तद मुक्तचेतसां न भवति. that desire do not occur to mature and emancipated people..
k v ananthanarayanan

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