Monday, July 17, 2023


योऽयं परापकरणाय सृजत्युपायं
तेनेव तस्य नियमेन भवेद्विनाशः।
धूमं प्रसौति नयनान्धकरं यमग्निः
भूत्वाम्बुदः शमयेत् सलिलस्तमेव॥
कल्हणस्य राजतरङ्गिण्याम्॥
A great quote from the great Rajatarangini.. the first historical work in Sanskrit from the Kashmirean poet Kalhana.
A person who fabricates a device or thing or hatches plans for the destruction of others would in all probability face his destruction and doom by that very device..
The fire spews out very dark smoke to make the people around blind.. but the same smok raises in the sky, converts itself into water bearing cloud and pours itself as water that would extinguish the fire..
This is a lesson given to us by nature..
If we wish ill for others, that wish may be fulfilled or not, but surely that wish will turn against us, will return to us and cause damage and destruction for us....
A fellow who wields a sword will in all probability have the sword cutting his own throat or chest and face death..
Word analysia
यः who
परापकरणाय to cause destructio to others
अयं उपायं which trick or device
सृजति creates
नियमेन usually
तेन एव only by that
उपायेन device
तस्य his
विनाशः destruction
भवेत् happens
यं which
नयनान्धकरं making the eyes blind
धूमं smoke
अग्निः the fire
प्रसौति gives birth to
स एव धूमः that very smoke indeed
अम्बुदः सलिलं water flowing from the clouds
भूत्वा become
तमेव अग्निम् that very fire
शमयेत extinguishes..
K v ananthanarayanan

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