Saturday, July 08, 2023

musings 145

I think old persons should realize that nature makes them gradually short of sight and hearing as age advances because as and when people get old, the next generation takes over and the best safety measure is not to see many things and not to hear many things..
But now with surgeries, specs and hearing aids, oldies resist the process of nature.. And would pay the price..
Nature seems the best friend for one in old age..
There was a practice among the elders of olden days in India, to enter Vanaprastam..or sojourn to forests..
Usually when sons have grown up and are capable of taking care of the family, the elder parents would just withdraw from the scene, and even shift their residences to huts made of leaves and bamboo in forests.. and would restrict their food, control their worldly desires, and engage themselves in the worship of god and some intellectual activities and then simply take leave of their mortal bodies in good time..
Kalidasa says in Raghuvamsam.. Na hi sati kuladhurye sooryavamshyaa gruhaaya.
न हि सति कुलधुर्ये सूर्यवंश्याः गृहाय..
meaning the people born in the clan of the Sun never remain in their houses once they realize that the next generation is capable of looking after the interests of the Kulam or clan..
I am also a retired Old man, no doubt about it..

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