Saturday, July 08, 2023

musings 146

There is a sure interface between the external world and our inner world and the gate, with smart or intelligent filter is our own mind..
The smart filter, at first is completely blank ( perhaps at the time of our birth) but that filter gets conditioned, contaminated and clogged, by the variations in experiences inside the person and also in the external world..
In forming such filters and in their conditioning later too, newly acquired or formed brain connections, the flow of endocrines, the acquired habits, all play their roles..
But then something called the faculty to think and regulate our thought process is a special boon given to us by our Maker..
So by conscious observation of the thinking process, by regulating breath, yogic practices, or simply by the power of will, we can clean the mind, regulate the filter, and thus can, for sure, work out a very healthy balance between our inner world and the world outside..
The process is very much within our reach, but we require some extra power of the will to keep the mind in the right track..

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