Friday, July 14, 2023

musings 148

To discuss with some authority on a subject, one has to learn the subject fully, without leaving even the insignificant parts..
but the fluff, the garbage etc.. can be pushed to a corner and the good and useful things alone need be discussed..
The discretion exercised by the teacher should be diligent..
and authentic.
Then the teacher can really deliver the proper lessons..
But definitely there is some differnce between the teacher and the one who tries to learn..
The learner should exercise certain amount of restraint and patience.
The tendency to behave like the Cashew fruit whose nut is bigger than the fruity part and is showing itself outside.. is not good for a learner..
And when one learns, one should never jump to conclusons..
Every conclusion depends of too many variables and parameters, and even a seasoned teacher could be baffled at times..
Application of a rule may look perfect to the learner, but he may be applying the rule to a set of data totally unrealaed..
For examlple pi r squared is a formula for computing the area.. But the area should be that of a circle..
If you are computing the area of a rectangle, then pi r squared should not be used.,There the multiple of the lenghts of the side alone will do..
And wisecracking by half baked learners just to show off.. can be quite disgusting.. and can throw the entire learning process into a heap of bullshit..
I am talking from my experience both as a learner and a teacher.. I really do not consider myself a tacher but sure, I am a learner..
I have learned new things even today.. and will continue to long as I am alive.
in social media people just try to teach and correct the teacher more than trying to learn..
And half baked persons are secrutiy risks.. And nuisance.

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