Saturday, July 29, 2023

Paadukaa pattaabhishekam

Paadukaa pattaabhishekam
The coronation of the Footwear of Lord Rama in Nandigrama
Rama, the elder prince of Ayodhya had left for the forest for a life there for fourteenn years..
He is accompanied by Sita and Lakshmana..
Bharatha, visits Rama in Chitrakootam and pleads for his return..
But Rama is steadfast about the promise he has made to his departed father and states with firmness that he would return only on completion of the fourteen year term in forest..
Rama also directs his younger brother Bharatha to rule Ayodhya during Rama’s absence.
Bharatha does not agree at first, but finally he is persuaded to look after the administration as a representative of the holy footwear.. Paduka of Rama.
Carrying the padukas of Rama ceremoniously back to Ayodhya, carrying them over his own heads, Bharatha is preparing to do the coronation to the Padukas in a village Nandigrama near Ayoddhya..
Sargam 115 of Valmikiramayanam, describes this great act of brotherly affection..
The description of Valmiki is so touching .. would love to translate the whole Sargam as Valmiki said it.
Reluctant and sad, Bharatha returns to Ayodhya carrying the Padukas of his elder brother on his head.
He left mothers Kausalya, Sumitra and Kaikeyi at the Palace in Ayodhya. And steadfast in his resolve to be of service to Rama, he informed his preceptors and elders as follows..
"Today, I am proceeding to Nandigramam where I propose to spend my days somehow bearing the sorrow of separation from Rama.. I am inviting you all to keep company with me.
My father has attained heaven and my guru and elder brother Rama is staying in the forest.. I shall continue in Nandigrama expecting my brother to return and take over the rule of Ayodhya. My brother Rama of eternal fame is the king for ever.""
On hearing these nice words coming from Bharatha the Ministers of Ayodhya and the Preceptor Sage Vasishta replied with approval.
"Prince Bharatha, what you said is praiseworthy, and appropriate. Your words reveal your deep love and fidelity for your elder brother.
How can anyone fail to praise and approve of your great gesture of deep love for your brother as you are just waiting for his return prodded by deep affection and commitment "
While listening to the nice and encouraging words of his ministers and preceptors, Bharatha directed his Charioteer to get ready for a journey.
And with a pleasant demeanour, he paid respects to his three mothers, he alighted the chariot in the company of his younger brother Shatrughna
With the Ministers and the purohita too travelling along with them, Shatrughna and Bharatha proceeded on their jouney to Nandigrama.
And they all travelled Eastwards, in the direction where Nandigramam ( A village near Ayodhya.. ) with the preceptor Vasishta and other learned people and ministers moving in front.
The army and the people of Ayodhya too travelled towards Nandigramam, along with Chariots, Elephants, Horses.. They just travelled ahead even without being called.
Carrying the footwear of Rama the paid of Paaduka on his head, the virtuous Bhartha, who loved his brother Rama so deeply, travelled fast by the chariot.
On reaching Nandigramam, Bharatha entered the village, got down from the chariot fast and told the preceptors as follows.
“This kingdom is endowed to me by way of a sacred trust by my brother Rama himself and His Padukas made of gold which I carry with me are the token of His authority.. ( I am just his servant)"
Carrying the footwear on his head once again, Bharatha, filled with grief on account of the absence of his elder brother, addressed the citizens and people gathered around thus..
“Let the royal insignia of and the royal Umbrella be decorated on the pair of footwear of my elder brother Rama.. With the footwear established as the sovereign ruler of the Kingdom, may eternal virtue .. Dharma be established in this country..”
"My beloved elder brother has entrusted the responsibility( of administering the country) out of great love and affection for me, and I shall bear allegiance to that trust and render my duty just till that Rama, the Raghava returns to this country and takes over the rule.
My only hope and desire is that I could ensure that the pair of footwear are worn again by Rama by returning here, so that I could see his lotus feet again and be of service to them.
I am entrusted with this very heavy duty by my brother, and once He returns, I would just present the entire country with the burdern of ruling it to my own Guru and elder Rama and enter his services for ever as a humble menial.
I shall be saved from the sins brought on me ( by the action of my mother) only when I become fortunate enough to restore the footwear to Ramas legs, along with the kingdom entrusted to me just as a (fiduciary) trust..
I as confident that when Rama retuns and is anointed as the Monarch of Ayodhya, and the citzens and subjects of this kingdom become happy and would celbrate, then I would be the happiest, and my good name in the country would be enhance four-fold."
Talking like this, Bharatha of great fame, residing in Nandigramam assumed the administration with a heavy heart and continued with his duties ably assisted by the ministers..
Even though he was of Royal breed, he just dressed himself in matted locks and bark garments, and remained in Nandigramam with his large army.
He remained in Nandigramam, eagerly awaiting the return of Rama his elder brother, filled with great love for Rama, just performing his Royal duties in deference to the directions of his elder brother Rama, and being steadfast to his vows. ( that he is just a trustee and that he would not remain in power even a minute after the completion of fourteen year.. He had already told Rama that if Rama did not return on completion of the promised sojourn in forest, he would enter fire and kill himself)
He established the footwear in the throne of Ayodhya at Nandigramam.. and he performed every Royal duty after presenting the matter before the sacred footwear of his brother.. a
Bharatha did everything in the name of that pair of footwear of Rama.. after performing Royal Abhishekam or anointment to it..
Whenever a decisions was to be taken, whenever anyone offered any present to the Royalty, Bharatha presented the matter to Ramas footwear in throne and then alone proceeded with necessary action,
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वल्मीकीये आदिकाव्ये अयोद्ध्याकाण्डे सर्गः ११५
Thus is the Paduka Pattabhisheka Sargam of Valmikiramayanam
The 115th sargam of Valmiki Ramayanam..
ततो निक्षिप्य मातॄः सः अयोध्यायं दृढव्रतः।
भरतः शोकसन्तप्तो गुरूनिदमथाब्रवीत्॥१
नन्दिग्रामं गमिष्यामि सर्वानामन्त्रयेऽद्य वः।
तत्रदुःखमिदं सर्वं सहिष्ये राघवं विना॥२
गतश्च हि दिवं राजा वनस्थश्च गुरुर्मम।
रामं प्रतीक्षे राज्याय स हि राजा महायशाः॥३
एतच्छ्रुत्वा शुभं वाक्यं भरतस्य महात्मनः।
अब्रुवन् मन्त्रिणः सर्वे वसिष्ठश्च पुरोहितः॥४
सुभृशं श्लाघनीयं च यदुक्तं भरत त्वया।
वचनं भ्रातुवात्सल्यादनुरूपं तवैव तत्॥५
नित्यं ते बन्धुलुब्धस्य तिष्ठतो भ्रातृसौहृदे।
आर्यमार्गं प्रपन्नस्य नानुमन्येत कः पुमान्॥६
मन्त्रीणाम् वचनं श्रुत्वा यथाभिलषितं प्रियम्।
अब्रवीत् सारथिं वाक्यं रथो मे युज्यतामिति॥७
प्रहृष्टवदनः सर्वा मातॄः समभिवाद्य सः।
आरुरोह रथं श्रीमान् शत्रुघ्नेन समन्वितः॥८
आरुह्य च रथं शीघ्रं शत्रुघ्नभरतावुभौ।
ययतुः परमप्रीतौ वृतौ मन्त्रिपुरोहितैः॥९
अग्रतो गुरवस्तस्य वसिष्ठप्रमुखा द्विजाः।
प्रययुः प्राङ्मुखाः सर्वे नन्दिग्रामो यतोऽभवत्॥१०
बलं च तदनाहूतं रथाश्वगजसङ्कुलम्।
प्रययौ भरते याते सर्वे च पुरवासिनः॥११
रथस्थः स तु धर्मात्मा भरतो भ्रातुवत्सलः।
नन्दिग्रामं ययौ तूर्णम् शिरस्यादाय पादुके॥१२
ततस्तु भरतः क्षिप्रं नन्दिग्रामं प्रविश्य सः।
अवतीर्य रथात् तूर्णं गुरूनिदमुवाच ह॥१३
एतद्राज्यं मम भ्रात्रा दत्तं संन्यासवत् स्वयम्।
योगक्षेमवहे चेमे पादुके हेमभूषिते॥१४
भरतः शिरसा कृत्वा संन्यासं पादुके ततः।
अब्रवीद्दुःखसंतप्तः सर्वं प्रकृतिमण्डलम्॥१५
छत्रं धारयत क्षिप्रमार्यपादाविमौ मतौ।
आभ्यां राज्ये स्थितो धर्मः पादुकाभ्यां गुरोर्मम॥१६
भ्राता तु मयि संन्यासो निक्षिप्तः सौहृदादयम्।
तमिमं पालयिष्यामि राघवागमनं प्रति॥१७
क्षिप्रं संयोजयित्वा तु राघवस्य पुनः स्वयम्।
चरणौ तौ तु रामस्य द्रक्ष्यामि सहपादुकौ॥१८
ततो निक्षिप्तभारोऽहं राघवेण समागतः।
निवेद्य गुरवे राज्यम् भजिष्ये गुरुवृत्तिताम्॥१९
राघवाय च संन्यासं दत्त्वेमे वरपादुके।
राज्यं चेदमयोद्ध्याम् च धूतपापो भवामि च॥२०
अभिषिक्ते तु काकुत्स्थे प्रहृष्टे मुदिते जने।
प्रीतिर्मम यशश्चैव भवेद्राज्याच्चतुर्गुणम्॥२१
एवं तु विलपन् दीनो भरतः स महायशाः।
नन्दिग्रामेऽकरोद्राज्यं दुःखितो मन्त्रिभिः सह॥२२
स वल्कलजटाधारी मुनिवेषधरः प्रभुः।
नन्दिग्रामेऽवसद्वीरः ससैन्यो भरतस्तदा॥२३
रामागमनमाकाङ्क्षन् भरतो भ्रातृवत्सलः।
भ्रातुर्वचनकारी च प्रतिज्ञापरगस्तथा॥२४
पादुके त्वभिषिच्याथ नन्दिग्रामेऽवसत्तदा।
भरतः शासनं सर्वं पादुकाभ्याम् न्यवेदयत्॥२५
ततस्तु भरतः श्रीमानभिषिच्यार्यपादुके।
तदधीनस्तदा राज्यं कारयामास सर्वदा॥२६
तदा हि यत्कार्यमुपैति किञ्चित् उपायनं चोपहृतं महार्हम्।
स पादुकाभ्यां प्रथमं निवेद्य चकार पश्चाद्भरतो यथावत्॥२७
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वल्मीकीये आदिकाव्ये अयोद्ध्याकाण्डे सर्गः ११५
tato nikṣipya mātṝḥ saḥ ayodhyāyaṁ dṛḍhavrataḥ|
bharataḥ śokasantapto gurūnidamathābravīt||1
nandigrāmaṁ gamiṣyāmi sarvānāmantraye'dya vaḥ|
tatraduḥkhamidaṁ sarvaṁ sahiṣye rāghavaṁ vinā||2
gataśca hi divaṁ rājā vanasthaśca gururmama|
rāmaṁ pratīkṣe rājyāya sa hi rājā mahāyaśāḥ||3
etacchrutvā śubhaṁ vākyaṁ bharatasya mahātmanaḥ|
abruvan mantriṇaḥ sarve vasiṣṭhaśca purohitaḥ||4
subhṛśaṁ ślāghanīyaṁ ca yaduktaṁ bharata tvayā|
vacanaṁ bhrātuvātsalyādanurūpaṁ tavaiva tat||5
nityaṁ te bandhulubdhasya tiṣṭhato bhrātṛsauhṛde|
āryamārgaṁ prapannasya nānumanyeta kaḥ pumān||6
mantrīṇām vacanaṁ śrutvā yathābhilaṣitaṁ priyam|
abravīt sārathiṁ vākyaṁ ratho me yujyatāmiti||7
prahṛṣṭavadanaḥ sarvā mātṝḥ samabhivādya saḥ|
āruroha rathaṁ śrīmān śatrughnena samanvitaḥ||8
āruhya ca rathaṁ śīghraṁ śatrughnabharatāvubhau|
yayatuḥ paramaprītau vṛtau mantripurohitaiḥ||9
agrato guravastasya vasiṣṭhapramukhā dvijāḥ|
prayayuḥ prāṅmukhāḥ sarve nandigrāmo yato'bhavat||10
balaṁ ca tadanāhūtaṁ rathāśvagajasaṅkulam|
prayayau bharate yāte sarve ca puravāsinaḥ||11
rathasthaḥ sa tu dharmātmā bharato bhrātuvatsalaḥ|
nandigrāmaṁ yayau tūrṇam śirasyādāya pāduke||12
tatastu bharataḥ kṣipraṁ nandigrāmaṁ praviśya saḥ |
avatīrya rathāt tūrṇaṁ gurūnidamuvāca ha||13
etadrājyaṁ mama bhrātrā dattaṁ saṁnyāsavat svayam|
yogakṣemavahe ceme pāduke hemabhūṣite||14
bharataḥ śirasā kṛtvā saṁnyāsaṁ pāduke tataḥ|
abravīdduḥkhasaṁtaptaḥ sarvaṁ prakṛtimaṇḍalam||15
chatraṁ dhārayata kṣipramāryapādāvimau matau|
ābhyāṁ rājye sthito dharmaḥ pādukābhyāṁ gurormama||16
bhrātā tu mayi saṁnyāso nikṣiptaḥ sauhṛdādayam|
tamimaṁ pālayiṣyāmi rāghavāgamanaṁ prati||17
kṣipraṁ saṁyojayitvā tu rāghavasya punaḥ svayam|
caraṇau tau tu rāmasya drakṣyāmi sahapādukau||18
tato nikṣiptabhāro'haṁ rāghaveṇa samāgataḥ|
nivedya gurave rājyam bhajiṣye guruvṛttitām||19
rāghavāya ca saṁnyāsaṁ dattveme varapāduke|
rājyaṁ cedamayoddhyām ca dhūtapāpo bhavāmi ca||20
abhiṣikte tu kākutsthe prahṛṣṭe mudite jane|
prītirmama yaśaścaiva bhavedrājyāccaturguṇam||21
evaṁ tu vilapan dīno bharataḥ sa mahāyaśāḥ|
nandigrāme'karodrājyaṁ duḥkhito mantribhiḥ saha||22
sa valkalajaṭādhārī muniveṣadharaḥ prabhuḥ|
nandigrāme'vasadvīraḥ sasainyo bharatastadā||23
rāmāgamanamākāṅkṣan bharato bhrātṛvatsalaḥ|
bhrāturvacanakārī ca pratijñāparagastathā||24
pāduke tvabhiṣicyātha nandigrāme'vasattadā|
bharataḥ śāsanaṁ sarvaṁ pādukābhyām nyavedayat||25
tatastu bharataḥ śrīmānabhiṣicyāryapāduke|
tadadhīnastadā rājyaṁ kārayāmāsa sarvadā||26
tadā hi yatkāryamupaiti kiñcit upāyanaṁ copahṛtaṁ mahārham|
sa pādukābhyāṁ prathamaṁ nivedya cakāra paścādbharato yathāvat||27
ityārṣe śrīmadrāmāyaṇe valmīkīye ādikāvye ayoddhyākāṇḍe sargaḥ 115

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