Sunday, July 02, 2023

Shree Margabandhu Stotram.. of the great Appayya Deekshita

Shree Margabandhu Stotram.. of the great Appayya Deekshita
It is believed that those who are undertaking very long and risky travels and voyages would be under the complete protection of Lord Shankara the Margabandhu Himself if this hymn is chanted repeatedly during the entire journey
श्री मार्गबन्धु स्तोत्रं
शंभो महादेव देव शिव शंभो महादेव देवेश शंभो
शंभो महादेव देव
फालावनम्रत्किरीटं फालनेत्रार्चिषा दग्ध पञ्चेषुकीटम्।
शूलाहतारातिकूटं शुद्धमर्धेन्दुचूडं भजे मार्गबन्धुम्॥ ॥ शंभो… १
अङ्गे विराजद्भुजङ्गं अभ्र गङ्गातरङ्गाभिरामोत्तमाङ्गम्।
ओंकारवाटी कुरङ्गं सिद्ध संसेविताङ्घ्रिं भजे मार्गबन्धुम् ॥ ॥ शंभो… २
नित्यं चिदानंदरूपं निह्नुताशेषलोकेशवैरिप्रतापम् ।
कार्तस्वरागेन्द्र चापं कृत्तिवासं भजे दिव्य सन्मार्गबन्धुम्॥ ॥ शंभो… ३
कन्दर्पदर्पघ्नमीशं काळकण्ठं महेशं महाव्योमकेशम्।
कुंन्दाभदन्तं सुरेशं कोटिसूर्यप्रकाशं भजे मार्गबन्धुम् ॥ ॥ शंभो… ४
मन्दारभूतेरुदारं मन्दरागेन्द्रसारं महाशौर्यदूरम्।
सिन्धूर दूर प्रचारं सिन्धुराजातिधीरं भजे मार्गबन्धुम्॥ ॥ शंभो… ५
अप्पय्ययज्वेन्द्रगीतं स्तोत्रराजं पठेद्यस्तु भक्त्या प्रयाणे।
तस्यार्थसिद्धिं विधत्ते मार्ग मध्येऽभयं चाशुतोषी महेशः॥ ॥ शंभो… ६
ശ്രീ മാര്‍ഗബന്ധു സ്തോത്രം
ശംഭോ മഹാദേവ ദേവ ശിവ ശംഭോ മഹാദേവ ദേവേശ ശംഭോ
ശംഭോ മഹാദേവ ദേവ
ഫാലാവനമ്രത് കിരീടം ഫാലനേത്രാര്‍ചിഷാ ദഗ്ധ പഞ്ചേഷുകീടം।
ശൂലാഹതാരാതികൂടം ശുദ്ധമര്‍ധേന്ദുചൂഡം ഭജേ മാര്‍ഗബന്ധും॥ ॥ ശംഭോ… ൧
അംഗേ വിരാജദ്ഭുജംഗം അഭ്ര ഗംഗാതരംഗാഭിരാമോത്തമാംഗം।
ഓംകാരവാടീ കുരംഗം സിദ്ധ സംസേവിതാംഘ്രിം ഭജേ മാര്‍ഗബന്ധും ॥ ॥ ശംഭോ… ൨
നിത്യം ചിദാനന്ദരൂപം നിഹ്നുതാശേഷലോകേശവൈരിപ്രതാപം ।
കാര്‍ത്തസ്വരാഗേന്ദ്ര ചാപം കൃത്തിവാസം ഭജേ ദിവ്യ സന്മാര്‍ഗബന്ധും॥ ॥ ശംഭോ… ൩
കന്ദര്‍പദര്‍പഘ്നമീശം കാളകണ്ഠം മഹേശം മഹാവ്യോമകേശം।
കുന്ദാഭദന്തം സുരേശം കോടിസൂര്യപ്രകാശം ഭജേ മാര്‍ഗബന്ധും ॥ ॥ ശംഭോ… ൪
മന്ദാരഭൂതേരുദാരം മന്ദരാഗേന്ദ്രസാരം മഹാശൌര്യദൂരം।
സിന്ധൂര ദൂര പ്രചാരം സിന്ധുരാജാതിധീരം ഭജേ മാര്‍ഗബന്ധും॥ ॥ ശംഭോ… ൫
അപ്പയ്യയജ്വേന്ദ്രഗീതം സ്തോത്രരാജം പഠേദ്യസ്തു ഭക്ത്യാ പ്രയാണേ।
തസ്യാര്‍ഥസിദ്ധിം വിധത്തേ മാര്‍ഗമധ്യേഽഭയം ചാശുതോഷീ മഹേശഃ॥ ॥ ശംഭോ… ൬
Shree Maragabandhu Stotram.. Free translation
Shambo mahaadeva deva, shiva shambo mahaadeva devesha shambho, shambo mahaadeva deva.
I worship with all humility and reverence
That Lord who wears a crown that sits on his head and covers the upper portion of his wide forehead
That Lord who, by sending powerful rays of fire from his third eye adorning his forehead and burnt to ashes that wretch by name Kamadeva who wears five arrows made of flowers
That Lord who by the flourish of his trident annihilated the whole array of obnoxious enemies along with their abodes
That Lord who is personification of purity
That Lord who wears half-moon crescent on his matted locks
That Lord who is ever giving protection to his devotees who have set out on journey 1
I worship with all humility and reverence
That Lord who shines forth with numerous snakes writhing around his whole body
That Lord head ia attractively adorned with heavenly clouds and the huge waves of River Ganga which is oozing out of his matted locks.
The Lord who is the divine deer in the beautiful garden which is Omkara the Pranava mantram
The Lord whose hallowed pair of feet are ever served by the divine beings, Siddhas
That Lord who is ever giving protection to his devotees who have set out on journey 2
I worship with all humility and reverence
That Lord who is eternal and is manifesting in a state of ultimate and blemish less ecstasy
That Lord who has entirely subdued the vigour and valour of the enemies of the Divine beings
That Lord who is holding as his bow the Mahameru mountain made of pure gold as his bow .. the bow supplied by Indra, in his victorious march for subjugation of Tripuras
That Lord who wears the raw bleeding hide of a huge elephant as his garment.
That Lord who is ever giving protection to his devotees who have set out on journey 3
I worship with all humility and reverence
That lord all pervading being, who had humbled the Lord of Love Kamadeva of all his arrogance by burning him with his third eye
That Lord who is manifesting with a neck coloured utterly dark due to the potent venom Kalakoodam that is lodged there, he is Kaalakanda for that reason
That Lord who is the supreme one, the foremost even among all the potent gods
That Lord who manifests in his Vishvaroopam, with the tall limitless sky forming his hair
That Lord who sports a smile with teeth shining like pure fresh jasmine flowers
That Lord who is the leader of all the Divine being
That Lord who shines forth with the glitter of crores of Suns
That Lord who is ever giving protection to his devotees who have set out on journey 4
I worship with all humility and reverence
That Lord who surpasses even the divine Wish yielding tree Kalpakavriksham,( which is the source of Mandara flowers,) in generosity when it comes to granting the wishes of his devotees
That Lord whose brilliant glow would make the powerful glow and shine of the lightning and thunderbolt or shine of Vajra of Indra the leader of Gods
That Lord who traverses great distances covering the whole universe atop steeds of superior pedigree
That Lord whose eminence subdues even the Lord of Sindhu, the Lord of Oceans Varuna himself
That Lord who is ever giving protection to his devotees who have set out on journey 5
This eminent prayer is sung by the sincere practitioner of many Yajnas.. Appayya.. Appayya Deekshita.. If this prayer is recited with devotion by anyone during his long and arduous journeys, the Lord Shiva, the Margabandhu, who is ever pleased with the devotees would lead to success the mission of journey and also would provide complete protection during the journey.6
Shambo mahaadeva deva, shiva shambo mahaadeva devesha shambho, shambo mahaadeva deva.
śrī mārgabandhu stotraṃ
śaṃbho mahādeva deva śiva śaṃbho mahādeva deveśa śaṃbho
śaṃbho mahādeva deva
phālāvanamratkirīṭaṃ phālanetrārciṣā dagdha pañceṣukīṭam।
śūlāhatārātikūṭaṃ śuddhamardhenducūḍaṃ bhaje mārgabandhum॥ ॥ śaṃbho… 1
aṅge virājadbhujaṅgaṃ ābhra gaṅgātaraṅgābhirāmottamāṅgam।
oṃkāravāṭī kuraṅga siddha saṃsevitāṅghriṃ bhaje mārgabandhum ॥ ॥ śaṃbho… 2
nityaṃ cidānaṃdarūpaṃ nihnutāśeṣalokeśavairipratāpam ।
kārtasvarāgendra cāpaṃ kṛttivāsaṃ bhaje divya sanmārgabandhum॥ ॥ śaṃbho… 3
kandarpadarpaghnamīśaṃ kāḻakaṇṭhaṃ maheśaṃ mahāvyomakeśam।
kuṃndābhadantaṃ sureśaṃ koṭisūryaprakāśaṃ bhaje mārgabandhum ॥ ॥ śaṃbho… 4
mandārabhūterudāraṃ mandarāgendrasāraṃ mahāśauryadūram।
sindhūra dūra pracāraṃ sindhurājātidhīraṃ bhaje mārgabandhum॥ ॥ śaṃbho… 5
appayyayajvendragītaṃ stotrarājaṃ paṭhedyastu bhaktyā prayāṇe।
tasyārthasiddhiṃ vidhatte mārga madhye'bhayaṃ cāśutoṣī maheśaḥ॥ ॥ śaṃbho… 6

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