Thursday, July 20, 2023

Some quotes about the value of Guru

Some quotes about the value of Guru
गु शब्दस्त्वन्धकारः स्यात् रुशब्दस्तन्निरोधकः।
अन्धकारनिरोधत्वाद् गुरुरित्यभिधियते॥
gu śabdastvandhakāraḥ syāt ruśabdastannirodhakaḥ|
andhakāranirodhatvād gururityabhidhiyate||
The letter Gu denotes darkness and the letter Ru denotes removal of Gu the darkness.. Therefore the one who removes the darkness of ignorance is called Guru..
From dvayopanishad
गुकारस्त्वन्धकारः स्यात् रुकारस्तेज उच्यते।
अज्ञानग्रासकं ब्रह्म गुरुरेव न संशयः
स्कान्दपुराणे गुरुगीतायाम्॥
gukārastvandhakāraḥ syāt rukārasteja ucyate|
ajñānagrāsakaṁ brahma gurureva na saṁśayaḥ
skāndapurāṇe gurugītāyām||
The letter Gu denotes darkness.. The letter Ru reveals brightness… There is no doubt about the fact that the Supreme being who just drives away darkness and gives brilliance to everything is the Guru.
From Gurugeetha in Skaanda puranam
ध्यानमूलं गुरोर्मूर्तिः पूजामूलं गुरोः पदं।
मन्त्रमूलं गुरोर्वाक्यं मोक्षमूलं गुरोः कृपा।
स्कान्दपुराणे गुरुगीतायाम्॥
dhyānamūlaṁ gurormūrtiḥ pūjāmūlam guroḥ padaṁ|
mantramūlaṁ gurorvākyaṁ mokṣamūlaṁ guroḥ kṛpā|
skāndapurāṇe gurugītāyām||
The object to be meditated upon is the form of the Guru. The object to be worshipped is the pair of feet of the Guru. The mantras to be chanted are the words uttered by the Guru.. And the mercy of the Guru alone can lead us to freedom, moksham from ignorance..
Guru geetha.. Skandapuranam
दुर्लभो विषयत्यागो दुर्लभं तत्त्वदर्शनम्।
दुर्लभा सहजावस्था सद्गुरोः करुणां विना॥
महोपनिषद्॥ ४-७७
durlabho viṣayatyāgo durlabhaṁ tattvadarśanam|
durlabhā sahajāvasthā sadguroḥ karuṇāṁ vinā||
mahopaniṣad|| 4-77
It is impossible to give up the bad habits of the world without the mercy and guidance of the great Guru
It is impossible to acquire great knowledge and insights into philosophy without the mercy of the great Guru
It is impossible to lead a wholesome life without the guidance and mercy of the great Guru.
गुरुवक्त्रे स्थिता विद्या गुर्भक्त्या तु लभ्यते।
स्कान्दपुराणे गुरुगीतायाम्॥
guruvaktre sthitā vidyā gurbhaktyā tu labhyate|
skāndapurāṇe gurugītāyām||
The knowledge which resides in the mouth of the Guru can come to us only through our utter devotion to the Guru.
Gurugeetha.. Skaanda puranam.
एकैकमप्यक्षरम् यस्तु गुरुः शिष्यं निवेदयेत्।
पृथिव्या नास्ति तद् द्रव्यम् यद् दत्वा चानृणी भवेत्॥
ekaikamapyakṣaram yastu guruḥ śiṣyaṁ nivedayet|
pṛthivyā nāsti tad dravyam yad datvā cānṛṇī bhavet||
There is not enough wealth in this whole earth which can be given to the Guru to save us the debt we owe to the guru, for even a single word or syllable is imparted to us by way of education..

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