Sunday, July 16, 2023

There the true believer is born

It is a fact..
Only a person who has denied the existence of God, can become a true believer.. In fact, to deny the existence of God, takes a lot of character.
Immediately on being born, the human being is faced with lots and lots of challenges, many of which are stupendous and perhaps impossible to face far less to surmount.
The dependence and faith on a superior force which he calls God germinates in him at that juncture more out of fear and circumspection, and objectivity or rational thinking has very little to do with that faith..
In time, man gets bolder and confident and people who look like on the face, ready to face any challenges without drawing help even from the assumed supreme power are the genuine non-believers ..
However, having fought their battle with valour, they realize that there is much more in life than crossing some milestones or wearing some crowns in victory..
Then they realize, in all reverence, that even the best among them have limitations and would accept the existence of the Supreme being ...
There the true believer is born..

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