Wednesday, August 23, 2023

विद्या विघ्नकराणि षट्

स्वच्छन्दत्वं धनार्थित्वं प्रेमभावोऽथ भोगिता।
अविनीतत्वमालस्यं विद्या विघ्नकराणि षट्॥
सुभाषितशतके १-९८
svacchandatvaṁ dhanārthitvaṁ premabhāvo'tha bhogitā|
avinītatvamālasyaṁ vidyā vighnakarāṇi ṣaṭ||
subhāṣitaśatake 1-98
In this subhashitam, six character traits are enumerated as roadblocks to acquisition of knowledge.
1.. Learning just for pleasure, without trying to understand the subject in its proper seriousness
2.. Learning keeping in mind just the profits and gains and benefits that would arise from such study.
3.. Allowing the learning process to be affected by romance and such distracting pastimes
4. Tendency to consume and enjoy.. and make merry.. in preferece to the learning process
5. Arrogance.. tendency to assume that one knows everything.. and all others are never upto ones own standard
6... Laziness.. finding excuses not to pursue.. trying to discover shortcuts.. tendency to learn with minimum effort..
Of course, every learner if attacked by these bugs to some extent .. But then the learning process is a stiff fight against such deterrents..
k v ananthanarayanan

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