Monday, August 14, 2023

गौरवं प्राप्यते दानान्न तु वित्तस्य सञ्चयात्।

गौरवं प्राप्यते दानान्न तु वित्तस्य सञ्चयात्।
स्थितिरुच्चैः पयोदानां पयोधीनमधआ स्थितिः॥
सुभाषितशतके २-४४
gauravaṁ prāpyate dānānna tu vittasya sañcayāt|
sthitiruccaiḥ payodānāṁ payodhīnamadhaā sthitiḥ||
subhāṣitaśatake 2-44
A great pearl of wisdom.
The stature of a person amidst his peers is determined by what he gives or what he does to make all around him happy and better off.
Even though he will try to convince himself that earning a lot and accumulating such wealth would make him superior to all, that is a false notion..
The rainclouds filled with water ready to be showered on earth stand abover our hear.
However, the ocean which receives the water is running low down..below the ground level
A noble and realistic thought indeed... and true to the core in the long run..
But we see success and respectability visiting the hoarders and misers at least temporarily..
Maybe giving within the means, and saving optimally would draw the golden mean..
k v ananthanarayanan/

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