Thursday, August 10, 2023

अष्टौ भुजाङ्गीम् महिषस्य मर्द्दिनीम्

अष्टौ भुजाङ्गीम् महिषस्य मर्द्दिनीम्
सशङ्खचक्राम् शरशूल धारिणीम्॥
ताम् दिव्य योगीम् सहजातवेदसीम्
दुर्गाम् सदा शरणमहम् प्रपद्ये॥
श्री महादेव्यै नमः
श्री राजराजेश्वर्यै नमः
aṣṭau bhujāṅgīm mahiṣasya marddinīm
saśaṅkhacakrām śaraśūla dhāriṇīm ||
tām divyayogīm sahajātavedasīm
durgām sadā śaraṇamaham prapadye||
śrī mahādevyai namaḥ
śrī rājarājeśvaryai namaḥ
aSTau bhujA~NgIm mahiSasya marddinIm
sasha~Nkhachakraam sharashUla dhaariNiim ..
tAm divyayogiim sahajAtavedasIm
durgAm sadaa sharaNamaham prapadye..
shrI mahAdevyai namaH
shrI rAjarAjeshvaryai namaH
I take refuge on Her Divine Grace Mother Duruga,
who is having eight pairs (or eight?) of hands wielding weapons Conch, Discus, Arrow, Trident,
who tormented and finished off the Demon Mahishaasura.
who manifests Divine Yogic powers,
who is born in the company of Fire, Jataveda
there are two views in puranas about the number of hands of Durga... Some view it as eight, and others are of the view that it is eight pairs or sixteen.. Ashtau.. is dvivachanam.. should mean eight pairs or sixteen..
Word meaning
अष्टौ eight pairs
भुजाङ्गीम् having hands
महिषस्य मर्द्दिनीम् the tormentor of Demon Mahisha
सशङ्खचक्राम् shining for with shanka,,, conch, chakra discus
शरशूल shara.. arrow.. shoola.. trident
धारिणीम्॥ wearing
दिव्य योगीम् of divine yogic powers
सहजातवेदसीम् born along with jaathaveda the Fire
ताम् he
दुर्गाम् Mother Durga
अहं I
सदा always
शरणं take refuge
प्रपद्ये ॥ am approaching with humility
श्री महादेव्यै नमः pranams to the first among goddesses
श्री राजराजेश्वर्यै नमः pranams to the empress of all the emperors among god and men..

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