Saturday, August 12, 2023

equal in life

दम्पत्योः समता नास्ति यत्र यत्र हि मन्दिरे।
अलक्ष्मीस्तत्र तत्रैवे विफलं जीवनं तयोः॥
ब्रह्मवैवर्तपुराणे स्रीकृष्णजन्मखण्डे ६९-६४
dampatyoḥ samatā nāsti yatra yatra hi mandire|
alakṣmīstatra tatraive viphalaṁ jīvanaṁ tayoḥ||
brahmavaivartapurāṇe srīkṛṣṇajanmakhaṇḍe 69-64
This is not from any feminist forum or from any activist for gender equaliy..
it is a sloka from ancient Brahmavaivarta Puranam.. a Mahapuranam..
In whichever home there is no sense of equality and equal participation between the man and his wife, only poverty and lack of divine grace would prevail there.. and the lives of the husband and wife both are waste in such a place..
The sloka is self explanatory..
We know that it is true.. We can accept that heartily and voluntarily, or we will be forced to accept the idea..

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