Saturday, August 19, 2023

musings 158

I was suggesting that when some piece of writing is really good and touching, we tend to get attacted to that piece so much that we lose sight of the author, and the craft of writing hardly engages out mind at that point..

Some friends seem to interpret my view as obliterating the identify of the author..
That was not the idea at all..
From time immemorial, every author ensured that his authentic signature is embedded in his work..
In fact that is the law of nature..
Even god marks his signature on his creations..
My discussion was about the quality of working..
The replies to my posts was educative .. People read things and interpret them not exactly in the way the author intended but just the way they want.. Some find things which are not at all there in the subject matter..
We are helpless..
The world is what it is.. and not what we want it to be..
My response on the issue .. in a thread..
"In the long run, the author will be noted and his name will become immortal..
My post was not at all in that context..
I wanted to stress the point that when we are really enjoying something, the object of enjoyment fillls us with so much of thrill and even contentment that we forget to note the role of the creator..
Of course, if a great work is to be catelogued, the identity of its author, the comparative merits of the creation with reference to similar other creations and the distinctive features of the work are to be remembered and recorded too precisely..
I was just thinking over a situation like eating a delicious food item..
We will first savour the taste..
Of course later on we will ask about the cook and even collect the recipe too..
A thing of beauty is a joy for ever..
First we try to enjoy the beauty..
There are so many beautiful flowers.. so pleasing..
We are overwhelmed with the presence of such beauty..
But do we think of God always.. after all God created them
A singer performing nicely may be conscious of himself..
But the listeners are more conscious of the music..
The listeners accept the identity of the singer only because they expect the same musical notes emanating from him later too..
Recently I happened to read an anecdote about the divine poet Kannadasan..This happened when he was attending the inaugural function of an arts forum in a college..
As a starter to the function, a young poet read out a piece of fine poetry.
The youngster was an up coming poet, too..
Later on Kannadasan too read out another piece of poetry.
The acceptance to the starter was lukewarm whereas Kannadasan received standing ovations and calls for encore.. for his presentation..
The Kannadasan later revealed to the audience that the poetry read by the starter was written by Kannadasan and the poetry recited by Kannadasan himself that day was actually the creation of the young poet who had presented a poem early..
So the audience here was carried away by the name of Kannadasan..
This is what is happenig in so many of the so called sadas and sabhas too..
Yes, I admit, talent too comes to the limelight sooner or later..
But originality is not always welcomed..
Of course, literary researchers have often detected the authorship of great works, if not mentioned, from the style and vocabulary applied by the author..
Each author has a distinctive address.. or mudra..
But it takes a lot of erudition to detect or identify such mudras..
If someone says there are mudras because he has seen such a thing mentioned by someone else, .. okey.. that is just a show off.."

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