Friday, August 11, 2023

return hate with love

उपकारिणि वीतमत्सरे वा सदयत्वं यदि कोऽतिरेकः।अहिते सहसा पराद्धलब्दे सघृणं यस्य मनः सतां स धुर्यः॥अमृतवल्लभ वल्लभदेवसुभाषित २५६
upakāriṇi vītamatsare vā sadayatvaṁ yati ko'tirekaḥ|
ahite sahasā parāddhalabde saghṛṇaṁ yasya manaḥ satāṁ sa dhuryaḥ||
amṛtavallabha vallabhadevasubhāṣita 256

A very noble thought.. which can arise only in the minds of the best...
Normally, we are not that generous, not that kind
What is there to speak of as great deed, if one shows kindness and consideration towards people who are of great help and who do not entertain any jealousy towards him? That is quite natural..
If one's mind is without hatred or rancour towards people who are not very favourably disposed to him, and those who have caused injury or slighting for him even in the immediate past, then he is to be considered as occupying the foremost positions among the noblest among the noble persons..
This is an ideal, perhaps..
But then, even to strive for things which are somewhat nice, we should set up very high benchmarks..
Aiming at the stars may take us at least to the top of a tree..
k v ananthanarayanan.

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