Monday, September 04, 2023

पूर्वे वयसि यः शान्तः स शान्त इति मे मतिः।

पूर्वे वयसि यः शान्तः स शान्त इति मे मतिः।
धातुक्षीयमाणेषु दमः कस्य न जायते॥
pūrve vayasi yaḥ śāntaḥ sa śānta iti me matiḥ|
dhātukṣīyamāṇeṣu damaḥ kasya na jāyate||
( panchatantram)
If one is very calm and controlled even when he is at the prime of his youth with all his faculties at their peak, then he is the one who is really calm..
If due to old age or diseases, his mental and physical faculties have become very weak and he is keeping calm and quiet, what is special about it.. What else can such a beaten person do?
இளமையும் வீரமும் இருக்கும்போதே சாந்தமாக இருக்கின்றவன் உண்மையாகவே பெரியவன் தான்..
வாழ்க்கை ஆடி அடங்கிய பிறகு ஒதுங்கி இருப்பவனை குறித்து என்ன சொல்வதற்க்கு இருக்கிறது?

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