Sunday, September 03, 2023


Is it not better to live for some cause, live for some principles, live according to some standards, that just living a life of floating and flowing along in the wind or a stream?
After all we know everyone who is born is going to die.. Only the time for death is unknown..
And whatever we do or not do we will have to join the majority.. at that moment..
If we just live on, we may disappear in obscurity..
If we cause troubles, we may pass off while so many curse us..
But if we do something great, something ideal, something immortal, something laced in sacrifice , something which is of help to others,
our name will linger on upto eternity..
If Socrates had not consumed poison just because he had to uphold his convictions, no one would have ever heard of him.
Krishna lives becausse of Gita, Vyasa lives because of Vedas, Gandhiji lives because of Independent India and so on..
The span of life, or even the life itself is of little consequence.. The way we live, the things for which we live would make the difference..
Na karmanaa na prayaa dhanena tyaagenaike amritatvamaanshuH..
न कर्मणा न प्रजया धनेने त्यागेनैके अमृतत्वं आनशुः
Not by ostentations actions, not by the offsprings, not by the wealth possessed .. but because of Sacrifice for others that we attain Amritattwam.. immortality..

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