Saturday, September 23, 2023

personal capability and determination rather than weapons

विजेतव्या लङ्का चरणतरणीयो जलनिधिः
विपक्षः पौलस्त्यो रणभुवि सहायाश्च कपयः॥
तथाप्येको रामः सकलमजयद्राक्षसकुलं
क्रियासिद्धिः सत्त्वे वसति महतां नोपकरणे॥ ६४
vijetavyā laṅkā caraṇataraṇīyo jalanidhiḥ
vipakṣaḥ paulastyo raṇabhuvi sahāyāśca kapayaḥ||
tathāpyeko rāmaḥ sakalamajayadrākṣasakulaṁ
kriyāsiddhiḥ sattve vasati mahatāṁ nopakaraṇe|| 64
A real hero relies first on his valour and inherent inner energy rather than the aids and resources he could muster externally .
The sloka below from samayochitapadyamalika describe a hero of such exemplary stature.. Sri Rama Himself..
The terrain to be defeated is the heavily protected Lanka
The ocean had to be crossed on foot
The leader of the enemy force appearing in the battlefilled is the redoubtable son of Pulustya.. Ravana himself
The people in his(Rama's ) own side to fight the battle are just monkeys
In spite of all this, Rama vanquished the entire clan of rakshasas almost single handedly
For a great man,the expected results of a mission .. and its successful implementation depends more on his personal capacity and determination rather than on weapons, resources and aids available exterrnally..
Yes, with a solid character backing a person solidly, success is almost his..
The lack of resources may not have much impact. But if there is no steely determination for making it great, no amount fo resources can really give success or retain such success..
We have seen too many Davids defeating Goliaths..
This is not to say that we should neglect resource mobilization..
But what is outside us is never really in our control.
So we have our limitations there..
But our head, hands and shoulders are our own..
Our character and knowledge are our own..
Why should we hesitate to use such faculties in the best way?
k v ananthanarayanan

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