Saturday, September 02, 2023

The lizard thinks he is keeping the ceiling in place..

The lizard thinks he is keeping the ceiling in place..

After all, all languages, each one of them, was created by a set of people over a reasonably long period and the grammars and usages evolved through consensus..
So we need not pester or criticise a youngster just becuase he is not applying the rules of the languge on dotted lines..
He is neither a success or failure, he is just a non comformist of sorts..
Actually great changes, either evolutionary or revolutionary were wrounght in by persons who refulsed to follow dotted lines but wanted to be different..
So success and failure can never be measured by judging it from a short term perspective..
A failure that would appear to be so severe at first sight migh become a beaconlight or landmark in history over years..
And what is successful parenting.. or even parenting.. ? We are being arrogant..
Every human being is just a sort of machine created and programmed by some supreme being, who knows precisely how that machine should work, malfunction, blunder, fuel itself and finally perish, once its utility is over..
what the blessed lord advised to Arjuna in Gita...
निमित्तमात्रं भव सव्यसाचिन् you arjuna the ambidexterous one, just be satified by being a cause for something..(The whole script and control is not with you..)
I think parenting is the best when it is the least fussy..the least invasive..
Sometimes questions of more relevance can be asked..
If a person excells in sports or in his job, if a cricketer scored triple century, etc, okey they are all great feats.. and accolades pour in for a little while..For some celebrities and geniuses, the span for getting such accolades may be longe.. But ultimately, the successful or the unsuccessful man, after laughing, crying, fretting and fuming, just goes to a rest.. a final one.. We do not know where he goes after that.. We just see an inert body which we can choose to cremate or bury..
So succes is just a lie, failure too is a lie.. and in time all the lies lie under a few inches or soil..
So why bother too much? Why do we make so much of fuss?
Such fuss is uncalled for unless we are event managers by profession and we are conducting some show too..

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