Monday, November 27, 2023

stand erect and dare to challenge...

stand erect and dare to challenge...
पादाहतं यदुत्थाय मूर्धानमधिरोहति।
स्वस्थादेवापमानेऽपि देहिनस्तद् वरं रजः॥
महाकवि माघप्रणीते शिशुपालवधे महाकाव्ये २-४६
pādāhataṁ yadutthāya mūrdhānamadhirohati|
svasthādevāpamāne'pi dehinastad varaṁ rajaḥ||
mahākavi māghapraṇīte śiśupālavadhe mahākāvye 2-46
A great quote from the great Mahakavyam Shishupalavadham of Magha..
Even the dust, when kicked by our feet raise in the air, and spread over our heads.
Such dust is great and noble when compared to people who stand immobile and listless on the face of insults showered on them..
Kicking something with feet is a sign of ultimate insult.. When dust is kicked, it raises up and it can be seen raising even above our heads.. Thus even the dust reacts and takes its revenge..
But there are people who would keep quiet and inert even on the face of the ultimate insult.. The silence may be due to fear, due to expectations, or for any other reason..
But for a dignified person, taking insult like that is too demeaning.
The poet is talking about ordinary people and men of the world.
A saint may ignore any insult.. But that is exceptional..
word meaning
पादाहतं kicked by feet
यद् रजः that dust
उत्थाय raising
मूर्धानं अधिरोहति climbs on the head
तद् that dust
अपमाने अपि even on the face of insult
स्वस्थाद remaining stupefied, still
देहिनः person
वरं. far better than
regards... have a nice day
k v ananthanarayanan

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