Thursday, November 30, 2023

the dog is increasing its barking thinking that the lion is afraid of it.

करिकुम्भविदारणक्षमं किमयोग्ये नखमर्पयाम्यहम्।
इति मौनमुपैति केसरी सरमासूनुरतिप्रगल्भते॥
karikumbhavidāraṇakṣamaṁ kimayogye nakhamarpayāmyaham|
iti maunamupaiti kesarī saramāsūnuratipragalbhate||
A lion is having its relaxed siesta in the forest. It is absolutely silent.
A stray dog is just standing somewhere near and is barking its heart out seing the lion. The lion just ignores the barks because it thinks that it would be a useless exercise to use his own very sharp fingernails which are capable of shattering the forehead of an elephant in rut, just to ward off the nuisance of a silly dog.
However, noticing the silence of the lion, the dog is increasing its barking thinking that the lion is afraid of it.
Some people are like that

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