Sunday, November 19, 2023

Why should people stress or imply that Brahmans alone have certain rules.?.

Why should people stress or imply that Brahmans alone have certain rules.?.
Every human being, every society, every nation and the world as a whole has many laws and rules prescribed.
Being faithful to the cannons of Brahmanism is a privilege and choice for that community perhaps..
But a goldsmith, Carpenter or a laborer has his own rules..
To live the life in the vedic way, studying Vedas and performing rituals may not ensure the basic human amenities for a brahmin today..
And when he has to engage himself in other avocations to earn his livelihood, the time available to follow the rules of caste is truncated .Simply he cannot afford the luxury of sailing in two boats..
And certain social situations point to the fact that the preferences and priorities have changed through operation of many parameters, and the equations obtaining today are not the same as in the social group which existed in the era when the caste rules were put in place..
So, it is okay to sit in nostalgia about the ideal life we were supposed to be living in those days..
We can of course, in an earnest attempt to remain committed and faithful to the traditions, follow old customs as long as they will not work against our sane existence in the present..
I record this as a realist, but there is no rule that anyone need be realist in social media..
Most of the time, social media is for dreamers and occupants of ivory towers, and even people who are sane otherwise would like, and clap only to support impossible or even ridiculous dreams when it comes to social media..

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