Wednesday, December 20, 2023

गुणा गुणानुबन्धित्वात्

ज्ञाने मौनं क्षमा शक्तौ त्यागे श्लाघाविपर्ययः ।
गुणा गुणानुबन्धित्वात् तस्य सप्रसवा इव ॥1.22॥
A description about the sterling personal qualities of the monarch of the clan of Raghu as given by Kalidas in the first Chapter of his monumental work Raghuvamsam.
The monarch of the Raghu clan was possessing great knowledge but was rather silent and never deemed it fit to exhibit or flaunt such knowledge
He was extremely strong and valorous but was very patient and tolerant
He was very generous but was completely averse to self-praise and publicity about such munificence
Usually knowledgeable people lose no opportunity to show off their knowledge through words and actions. People who are strong and sturdy become impatient and irritated even if they face the slightest discomfiture. People who are charitably inclined usually manage to grab every opportunity to attract limelight and accolades.
However knowledge and silence, strength and patience and munificence and reluctance towards publicity, the mutually contradictory traits gelled together in him as if they were uterine brothers.

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