Sunday, December 31, 2023

कोपः क्षणेन सुकृतं यदर्जितं पूर्वकोट्यापि

एकेन दिनेन तनोः तेजः षण्मासिकं ज्वरो हन्ति।
कोपः क्षणेन सुकृतं यदर्जितं पूर्वकोट्यापि॥
ekena dinena tanoḥ tejaḥ ṣaṇmāsikaṁ jvaro hanti|
kopaḥ kṣaṇena sukṛtaṁ yadarjitaṁ pūrvakoṭyāpi||
The fire turns to ashes the whole human body within the span of one day.
Prolonged fever spanning six months or so would finish off the patient
However uncontrollable anger just annihilates within split seconds all the virtues, worth and goodwill earned by a peron in the course of crores of lives

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