Sunday, December 31, 2023

स्वश्लाघा परनिन्दा च लक्षणं

स्वश्लाघा परनिन्दा च लक्षणं निर्गुणात्मनाम्।
परश्लाघा स्वनिन्दा तु लक्षणं सद्गुणात्मनाम्॥
svaślāghā paranindā ca lakṣaṇaṁ nirguṇātmanām|
paraślāghā svanindā tu lakṣaṇaṁ sadguṇātmanām||
Bragging about one’s own merits, whether they are real or imaginary and ever talking with contempt and in insulting terms about all others are the distinctive qualities of people of lowly mind and character.
At the same time, accepting the merits in others and praising such merits without any reservations and playing down one’s own achievements and remaining silent about such attainments are the sterling qualities of men of really exalted character.

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