Friday, December 29, 2023

देवद्रव्येण या वृद्धिः गुरुर्द्रव्येण यद्धनम्।

देवद्रव्येण या वृद्धिः गुरुर्द्रव्येण यद्धनम्।
तद्धनं कुलनाशाय मृतोऽपि नरकं व्रजेत्॥
devadravyeṇa yā vṛddhiḥ gururdravyeṇa yaddhanam|
taddhanaṁ kulanāśāya mṛto'pi narakaṁ vrajet||
If a person has managed to have progress and affluence in life through appropriating money and property rightly belonging to divine institutions or deities,
If one has amassed cash through pilfering money belonging to his preceptors
Then that money and affluence would ensure sure annihihilation of the person with his whole clan included
And also would ensure him a one-way ticket to hell.

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