Monday, December 11, 2023

musings 190

At the topmost level of our thoughts, there will be ideals.. which are just the destinations we would love to reach, and frankly the merits of such goals could be evaluated realistically only after reaching there, and no one ever appear to have reached that summit evaluated the results and given an honest feedback ..
We are all just making our slow progress, and the journey may take millions or births and rebirths for anyone, and more interestingly no one has reported about reaching the summit even less about its great features..
We can see the echos of speculations about such ideal destination in some exalted thoughts, like what we find in naasadeeya sooktham of rig vedam..
However, while we are on our way in that arduous journey, we will be able to use only the resources which are in our control and possession..
small steps,
small understanding..
The supreme ideal is, at least for we ordinary humans, just a quest..
So every idea, every speculation, every remark coming out of curiosity, and even expression of skepticism or doubt, is and indicator of our progress..
No thought can ever be wrong..
The only limit is that our thoughts and actions should be so regulated that we do not interfere with the peaceful existence of others..
And that is the golden rule..
The Upanishads talk of stages where words just come back unable to keep pace with the mind.. yato vacho nivartante...
The next stage may be where the mind fails to form clear views about the forward path..
We are using two strains of thoughts in most of our discussions..
one the practical and apparent deductive process which can be measured and evaluated by the mind..
two.. the speculation over the exalted things which are not correctly perceived by our limited minds..
We can have peace only and if only we do not mix these two paths of thought..
We should not adopt the logic of one path to drive home the ideas of the other path..
The cells want glucose, the lungs want oxygen, the nerves want electrical potential difference, and thoughts require their own separate triggers..
So we cannot feed the mind with oxygen or food and the body with just speculative thoughts.
We cannot operate one system with the fuel meant for another system..
Our minds are mostly inadequate to find solutions..
. Loud thinking should never be mistaken as an argument in favour of or opposing anything....

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