Sunday, December 17, 2023

musings 201

Mothers are superior beings, posted a respected friend.. Maybe in a general and populist way it is true.
But what about
Mothers who permit MTP and kill her own child even in an advanced stage of pregnancy, even without and health or social reasons..?
Mothers whose love for a son changes from affection to hatred the moment he marries?
Mothers who show partiality among their own offspring?
Mother who loves a daughters child more than a sons child?
The above list is just indicative..
Thousands of situations can be listed,
I think in any relationship between persons, so much of subjectivity is involved,, the causative factors may be personal predilections, social compulsions, physical material and psychological advantages arising out of such relations.. and so on.
I do not want to like or share cliches'
That is my considered personal view..
I am no one to say that others should accept this view..

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