Monday, December 25, 2023


the theory of prayaschittams (or expiations ) is presented after duly considering the fact that many of the results of Karma are so grave that they are normally beyond human capacity to compensate through karma..
Often Prayaschittams are prescribed by elders to have some sort of mitigation or condonation from the grave consequences..
We are expecting some act of charity or mercy by the Supreme Law giver..
Often we tend to demand charity as a matter of right..
But He knows very well how to deal with such nonsensical claims.
It is a matter of faith..
Mathematics of Karma is strict and precise and maybe cruel too...
but through prayaschittams often we seek to reduce the gravity of the impact..
Whether faith will work or not..?
we can tell only by experience in each particular case.. ..
It is a very unclear ares..a gray area..
But then life is a bundle of so many uncertainties..

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