Monday, December 11, 2023

two worst sins or misfortunes

पातकानां समस्तानां द्वे परे तात पातके।
एकं दुःसचिवो राजा द्वितीयञ्च तदाश्रयः॥५०
भल्लालदेवकृते भोजप्रबन्धे।
pātakānāṁ samastānāṁ dve pare tāta pātake|
ekaṁ duḥsacivo rājā dvitīyañca tadāśrayaḥ||50
bhallāladevakṛte bhojaprabandhe|
तात dear
समस्तानां (of) all
पातकानां sins
द्वे two
पातके sins
परे (भवतः) are of the worst nature
एकं the first
दुःसचिवो having bad minister
राजा king
द्वितीयं the second
तद आश्रयं shelter, dependency under him
च and too.
This is from Bhojaprabhandam of Bhallaala Deva
My dear one, of all the sins to are the worst.. First, a king with bad, inept and evil-minded ministers.
Second, is serving or taking shelter under such a king..
Even the best and the most noble people would become useless or even turn bad when they are surrounded by evil-minded ministers and advisers.
So it is the first sin.. that is for the King.. to have bad ministers.
Serving under and taking shelter on the magnanimity and efficiency of such a king is suicidal..
So it is the second sin.. that is for the subjects..

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