Friday, January 05, 2024

उचितेन विचारेण चारुतां यान्ति सूक्तयः


उचितेन विचारेण चारुतां यान्ति सूक्तयः।वेद्यतत्त्वावबोधेन विद्या इव मनीषिणाम्॥ औचित्य विचार चर्चा क्षेमेन्दर्कृते

ucitena vicāreṇa cārutāṁ yānti sūktayaḥ|vedyatattvāvabodhena vidyā iva manīṣiṇām|| mahasubhashita samgraha 6311 auchityavichaara charchaa of Kshemendra

Beautifully worded and crafted maxims and phrases assume extreme charm when they are aptly backed up by right and relevant thought process. It is just like the education and training of people of great intellect getting encouraged and supported by the constant reminders and expostulations of the persons and preceptors who have mastery and long term experience in the subject of study.

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