Monday, January 08, 2024

हृदेव भक्तस्य गृहं तदीयम्


विनिर्मिते हेमसुमेरुशृङ्गैस्त्रैलोक्यसारैः खचितेऽपि रत्नैः।
न मन्दिरोऽसौ समुदेति देवः हृदेव भक्तस्य गृहं तदीयम्॥

vinirmite hemasumeruśṛṅgaistrailokyasāraiḥ khacite'pi ratnaiḥ|
na mandiro'sau samudeti devaḥ hṛdeva bhaktasya gṛhaṁ tadīyām||

Krishna would not like even to place His feet in a temple built with gold of the size of Meru mountain and studded with precious gems collected from all the three worlds.

His favourite abode is the cosy and affection-filled heart of His devotees.

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