Wednesday, January 10, 2024

लब्दविद्यो गुरुं द्वेष्टि लब्धभार्यस्तु मातरम्।

लब्दविद्यो गुरुं द्वेष्टि लब्धभार्यस्तु मातरम्।
लब्दपुत्रा पतिं नारी लब्दारोग्यश्चिकित्सकम्॥७७
labdavidyo guruṁ dveṣṭi labdhabhāryastu mātaram|
labdaputrā patiṁ nārī labdārogyaścikitsakam||77
लब्दविद्यः गुरुं द्वेष्टि
a person who had been given adequate education does not care for the teacher anymore..
लब्दभार्यः तु मातरं द्वेष्टि
A person who has got married starts neglecting his mother.
लब्दपुत्रा नारी पतिं द्वेष्टि
Once a son is born, a lady loses her fancy for her husband.
लब्दारोग्यःचिकिल्सकं द्वेष्टि
a person who is cured of his disease, never thinks of the doctor who nursed him back to health..
the word द्वेष्टि means hates or becomes an enemy.. we need not take that word literally.. dwesham here is just lack of interest..
At least during our days of training we would care for the mentor with a lot of respect .. But once we have drained out of him all that we could know, he becomes superfluous to us.. and we do not care for the teacher.. the show of respect at best would be cosmetic.
Once a fellow marries, his mother loses her significance for him..This is known instinctively by every mother in law.. and that is the cause for the fireworks between MIL and DIL..
Once a child is born, and especially if the offspring is a boy, the mother's world undergoes a sea change.. Her husband or anyone else for that matter become objects of secondary importance..
And while the sick person and his attendants will be running around the doctor during the period of treatment, they would be conspicuous by their absence, once reasonable cure is effected.. Some bolt without settling the bills too..
This view is from Neetisaaram.. It reflects the general behaviour of people and their response to some changed circumstances..
There will be exceptions.. Out of decency and social compulsions, many actors would perform the balancing act..
The bottomline alone is portrayed in this slokam..

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