Saturday, January 06, 2024

तस्मै नमोऽस्तु देवाय कस्मैचिदपि शम्भवे॥

समस्तलक्षणागोय एव यस्योपलक्षणम्।
तस्मै नमोऽस्तु देवाय कस्मैचिदपि शम्भवे॥
samastalakṣaṇāgoya eva yasyopalakṣaṇam|
tasmai namo'stu devāya kasmaicidapi śambhave||
Pranams to that Shambhu, the Shankara
Who is that Shambu? How to identify Him
True, He is somebody, He must be somebody
We worship that somebody
All the qualities and attributes of any being, anything is to be identified through comparison with the qualities possessed by Him .
How to compare and identify the qualities and attributes possessed by Him, how to identify Him
He cannot be identified through any comparison..
He is the standard for comparison for everything
So He is there, but we cannot spot Him.
But whom else have we to worship ?
NamaH Shivaaya
Pranams to the one without comparison, Pranams to the one who cannot be identified but He can only be worshipped.

NamaH Shivaaya

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