Friday, January 05, 2024

दोषानुरक्तस्य खलस्य कस्याप्युलूकपोतस्य च को विशेषः।

दोषानुरक्तस्य खलस्य कस्याप्युलूकपोतस्य च को विशेषः।
अह्नीव सत्कान्तिमति प्रबन्धे मलीमसं केवलमीक्षते यः॥
doṣānuraktasya khalasya kasyāpyulūkapotasya ca ko viśeṣaḥ|
ahnīva satkāntimati prabandhe malīmasaṁ kevalmīkśate yaḥ||
dharmasharmabhyudayam of Harichandra
What is the essential difference between the son of an owl and a vile critic who is ever looking for defects and flaws alone even in the best literary creations ?
There is only one difference. The son of an owl can see only in darkness. But the venomous critic is ever awake scanning for defects and flaws even during brilliant daylight.

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