Saturday, January 06, 2024

मूत्रयन्ति मुखे श्वानो वस्त्रं मुष्णन्ति तस्कराः

मूत्रयन्ति मुखे श्वानो वस्त्रं मुष्णन्ति तस्कराः।
मद्य्मूढस्य रथ्यायां पतितस्य विचेतसः॥
विवेकः संयमः क्षान्तिः सत्यम् शौचं दया दमः।
सर्वे मद्येन सूद्यन्ते पावकेनेव पादपाः॥
mūtrayanti mukhe śvāno vastraṁ muṣṇanti taskarāḥ|
madymūḍhasya rathyāyāṁ patitasya vicetasaḥ||
vivekaḥ saṁyamaḥ kṣāntiḥ satyam śaucaṁ dayā damaḥ|
sarve madyena sūdyante pāvakeneva pādapāḥ||
When a fellow lies in the open highway after loading himself with litres of hooch, the stray dogs ensure that they urinate right on his face and the street robbers and pilferers manage to take away his clothes. The drunkard lies unconscious, inebriated and stark naked on the street , his face having ablution of dog-urine
When a fellow gets fully drunk, power of discretion, Self control, Patience, Truthfulness, cleanliness in body and thoughts, Compassion, capacity to control anger, and all such control mechanisms just get burnt off like the wildfire inundating the trees in a forest.

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