Saturday, January 13, 2024

व्रते विवादं विमतिं विवेके

व्रते विवादं विमतिं विवेके सत्येऽतिशङ्खा विनये विकारम्।
गुणेऽवमानं कुशले निषेधं धर्मे विरोधं न करोति साधुः॥
vrate vivādaṁ vimatiṁ viveke satye'tiśaṅkhā vinaye vikāram|
guṇe'vamānaṁ kuśale niṣedhaṁ dharme virodhaṁ na karoti sādhuḥ||
A person of quality and class would never indulge in the following things (This is the traditional idea about quality of people)
1. Creating controversies and expressing obscurantist views in the matter of well-established vows and rituals.
2. Presenting counter-arguments for arguments sake offering showy dissent when some plans are to be discussed with a lot of maturity and discreteness
3. Being skeptic.. exhibiting excessive uncertainty about the bona fides of even normally honest people
4. Making a show of humility, being sarcastic when someone behaves with restraint
5. Tendency to underplay the genuine merits seen in others, trying to indicate such tendency directly or obliquely
6. Refusal of friendly gestures, when some heartiness and warmth is extended,
7. Opposition and open challenges to the established rules of propriety and good conduct, showing disrespect to Dharma.
Note.. We see only these things in social media and most of our social transactions these days. Maybe to talk nonsense is the best way to become viral..

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