Monday, January 15, 2024

But then without Krishna, Mahabharatham would not have been what it is

But then without Krishna, Mahabharatham would not have been what it is..
His direct or indirect involvement on each major issue.. especially after the Princes are all grown up.. simply steered the incidents..
This one can say for sure, even without assigning any divinity to Krishna..
Krishna was responsible for the construction of the Palace at Indraprastha by Maya,
Krishna was present when poor Duryodhana jumped into water thinking that he was walking on even grounds..
. Krishna was present when people including ladies laughed at that incident...
Krishna was instrumental in the death of Jarasandha..
Krishna finished Shishupala..
The situations are too many.. We will have to narrate the entire Bharatham to cite examples
Krishna was not only the charioteer of Arjuna, but He was the charioteer who steered the epic Mahabharatham.
And to understand Mahabharatham we have to read the texts or at least authentic translations, word by word by the greats like Kisari Mohan Ganguly ( text and translation are both available in sites like sacred texts)
and I am not one who would go by the interpretation by some other author, who would have commented after applying his own subjective considerations and preferences and prejudices..
The greatness of Krishna in fact is that He could have been the most interesting character of Bharatham.. even without his Divinity, Bhagavat Gita, Anugita etc..
Such a character would appear in literature of Humankind perhaps only once..

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