Friday, January 12, 2024

respects to the nine planets

शूरः शूरपदं रुचिं हिमरुचिः सन्मंगलं मङ्गलो।
बोधं बोधन आतनोतु ललितावाचश्च वाचस्पतिः।
काव्यः काव्यकलापनिरतिं मन्दो द्विषन्मन्दतां
दुर्वृत्तेषु तमस्तामो जयकरीं केतुश्च केतुश्रियम्॥
śūraḥ śūrapadaṁ ruciṁ himaruciḥ sanmaṁgalaṁ maṅgalo|
bodhaṁ bodhana ātanotu lalitāvācaśca vācaspatiḥ|
kāvyaḥ kāvyakalāpaniratiṁ mando dviṣanmandatāṁ
durvṛtteṣu tamastāmo jyakarīṁ ketuśca ketuśriyam||
The embodiment of strength, and valour Lord Surya would bless us with great valour and glory
The Moon, who shines with the pure glow of Ice, would endow us with great physical becauty
The lord of Auspiciousness Mangala the Mars would provide us with all welfare and grace
The lord of Enlightenment, Budha, would ensure that knowledge in profusion flows into our intellect
The lord of Word, Guru the Brihaspati would bless us with extraordinarya powers of oratory
The lord of fine Arts, Kavya the Shukra would provide us with the everlasting enjoyment in the loftiest of arts
The powerful Lord Shanaichara whose hallmark is slow movement, would ensure that our enemies are slow or are incapacitated when they intend to attack us
The planet of Darkness, Rahu would ensure that all dark forces in our lives vanish and victory visits us
The planet in the shape of a flag of victory, Kethu would ensure that we would be blessed with immense wealth befitting the monarch who marches ahead with flags held high.

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