Thursday, February 01, 2024

उच्छिष्टं शिवनिर्माल्यं वमनं शवकर्पटः।

उच्छिष्टं शिवनिर्माल्यं वमनं शवकर्पटः।
काकविष्ठासमुत्पन्नः पञ्चैतेऽतिपवित्रकाः॥
ucchiṣṭaṁ śivanirmālyaṁ vamanaṁ śavakarpaṭaḥ|
kākaviṣṭhāsamutpannaḥ pañcaite'tipavitrakāḥ|| samayochita padyamaalikaa
It is the common belief that the following five objects are highly inauspicious and should never be used
1. Leftover from food already used by someone
2. The things that have been once used for the worship in Shiva temples
3. The vomit
4. The clothe covering a dead body
5. The droppings or excreta of a crow.
But in a different context the same five could be the most sacred
1. Leftover food… The milk that is mulched from a cow after the calf drinks
2. Remaining after use by Shiva.. The Ganga river, that oozes out of the matted locks of the Lord
3. The Vomit.. The honey consumed by honey bees and then vomited out into combs
4. The cloth covering the dead body… The silk.. Silk is woven from threads covering the bodies of silkworms which are killed.
5. Droppings of the crow.. They contain the seeds of Ashvaththa or Peepul tree, and when the seeds germinate the holiest among the trees are born.

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