Friday, February 16, 2024


भारतम् चेक्षुदण्डं च कलानाथं च वर्णय।
कालिदासकविर् ब्रूते प्रतिपर्वरसावहम्॥
bhāratam cekṣudaṇḍaṁ ca kalānāthaṁ ca varṇaya|
kālidāsakavir brūte pratiparvarasāvaham||
Kalidasa was asked to describe the greatness of Mabhabharatham, A stalk of sugarcane and the Moon..
Kalidasa replied.. all the three are sweet and tasty in each parva..
The chapters in Mahabharatham are generally classified as parvas.. Each parva is great beyond words.
Sugarcane stalk has many joints each is called a parva.. Joint to joint everywhere it is sweet.
The moon waxes and wanes from new moon to full moon and back. Each such fortnight is called parva.. Moon is beautiful from start of parva to the end of parva and back.
Here the versatility of Sanskrit language is underlined.. The word Parva conveys so many meanings.
You must not ask in what Kavyam Kalidasa has said it.
It is only an anecdote.. You can mention the name of any great poet in place of Kalidasa.

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