Sunday, February 18, 2024

चन्द्राननार्धदेहाय चन्द्रांशुसितमूर्तये

चन्द्राननार्धदेहाय चन्द्रांशुसितमूर्तये।
चन्द्रार्कानल नेत्राय चन्द्रार्धशिरसे नमः॥
नमः शिवाय निःश्शेषक्ळेशप्रशमशालिने।
त्रिगुणग्रन्थिदुर्भेद भवबन्धविभेदिने॥
candrānanārdhadehāya candrāṁśusitamūrtaye|
candrārkānala netrāya candrārdhaśirase namaḥ||
namḥ śivāya niḥśśeṣakḻeśapraśamaśāline|
triguṇagranthidurbheda bhavabandhavibhedine||
Pranams to that Supreme Lord Shiva
Half of whose body is shared by that beautiful lady Uma who shines with a face resembling full moon
The Lord whose spotless body complexion resembles the cool soothing hue of the rays of moon
The Lord whose three eyes are the moon, sun and the fire
And the Lord adorns his hair with half of the moon
Indeed He is Chandrasekhara by all means.
Pranams to that Supremely benevolent Shiva
Whose greatest quality and habit is to remove the difficulties faced by all his creations
And who is the only one capable of shattering the unbreakable bondage caused by the three gunas sattva, rajas and tamas, the bondage that binds all the beings on this universe to worldly woes
NamaH Shivaaya.. Shivaaya NamaH
Umamaheshvaraabhyaam NamaH

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